CIC Staff Contacts:

Kimberly Armstrong
(217) 265-0389

Darlene Hutchinson
(217) 244-9239


There will be a tour of Purdue's Envision Center on Monday, May 12, from 10:00 to 11:00 am for people who arrive on Sunday evening and would like to see some of Purdue University before the conference begins. A group will gather in the Union Hotel lobby at 9:45 am and walk to the Center.  No registration is required, but please RSVP to D. Scott Brandt at

There is a second tour for visitors who arrive early on May 12, and this will be a tour of Purdue's Discovery Park and the Birck Nanotechnology Center.  The tour will begin with a van pickup across the street from the hotel at 11:00 a.m. and return by 12:15 p.m. Please RSVP to Jane Taylor at with your name, title, and phone number. 

Map of meeting locations and local restaurant locations

Getting up to Speed with eScience
1:00-1:15 Welcome (Beering Hall 2280)     View Introduction (WMV format 169 MB)
1:15 - 2:15 eScience Overview

Thom Dunning  (download presentation)
View Dunning Presentation (WMV format 309 MB - CIC Institution viewing only)
Director, National Center for Supercomputing Applications
Professor, Distinguished Chair for Research Excellence in Chemistry

2:15 - 3:15 Scientists Talking about eScience

Norbert Neumeister  (download presentation)
View Neumeister Presentation  (WMV format 137 MB - CIC Institution viewing only)
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Purdue University

Robert Hanisch  (download presentation)
View Hanisch Presentation (WMV format 127 MB)
Project Manager, Space Telescope Science Institute, US National Virtual Observatory

Thomas L. Casavant  (download presentation)
View Casavant Presentation (WMV format 132 MB)
Roy J. Carver, Jr. Chair in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, University of Iowa

3:15-3:30 Break
3:30 - 4:30 

Librarian and Scientist Collaborations

Virtual Life Sciences Community (VIVO)

Janet McCue  (download presentation)
View McCue Presentation (WMV format 121 MB)
Director, Mann Library & Associate University Librarian for Life Sciences,Cornell University

DRIADE Repository Project

Jane Greenberg  (download presentation)
View Greenberg Presentation (WMV format 140 MB)
Francis Carroll McColl Term Professor, and Director of the Metadata Research Center, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Library Support for Research and eScience

Neil Rambo  (download presentation)
View Rambo Presentation (WMV format 127 MB)
ARL Visiting Program Officer, Library Support for Research and eScience
Director of Cyberinfrastructure Initiatives, and Special Assistant to the Dean for eScience and Biosciences, University of Washington Libraries

4:30 - 5:00

Purdue Scientist/Librarian Collaborations

   Sylvie Brouder
   Professor, Department of Agronomy, Purdue University
  View Brouder Presentation (WMV format 75 MB)

   Marianne Stowell Bracke
   Associate Professor of Library Science and Agricultural Sciences Information Specialist, 
View Stowell Bracke Presentation (WMV format 48 MB)
   Purdue University

   Michael Witt  (download presentation)
View Witt Presentation (WMV format 57 MB)
   Assistant Professor of Library Science and Interdisciplinary Research Librarian,
   Purdue University


6:30 -  Dinner & Talk (West Faculty Lounge, Purdue Memorial Union)

Chris Greer
View Greer Presentation (WMV format 300 MB)
Director of the National Coordination Office (NCO) for Networking and InformationTechnology Research and Development (NITRD)

Academic Librarian Roles & eScience
8:00 - 8:30 Breakfast Buffet (Beering Hall 2280)
8:30-9:30 Role of Academic Libraries in the Digital Data Universe

Rick Luce  (download presentation)
View Luce Presentation (WMV format 363 MB - CIC Institution viewing only)
Vice Provost and Director of the University Libraries, Emory University

9:30 - 10:30

Librarians Meeting the Challenge of Changing Roles

Cyberinfrastructure and Libraries

Joyce Ray  (download presentation)
View Ray Presentation (WMV format 127 MB)
Associate Deputy Director for Library Services, Institute of Museum and Library Services

ARL Joint Task Force on Library Support for E-Science

Neil Rambo  (download presentation)
View Rambo Presentation (WMV format 144 MB)
ARL Visiting Program Officer, Library Support for Research and eScience
Director of Cyberinfrastructure Initiatives, and Special Assistant to the Dean for eScience and Biosciences,  University of Washington Libraries>
Informationist Program @ NIH

Susan Whitmore
View Whitmore Presentation (WMV format 106 MB) 
Chief, Information & Education Services Branch, National Institutes of Health Library

10:30-10:45 Break
10:45 – 12:15

What are Librarians in CIC doing?

Data Curation Education

Carole Palmer  (download presentation)
View Palmer Presentation (WMV format 109 MB)
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Interdisciplinary Research Initiative

D. Scott Brandt  (download presentation)
View Brandt Presentation (WMV format 85 MB)
Associate Dean for Research, Professor of Library Science, Purdue University Libraries

Understanding Research Behaviors, Information Resources, and Service Needs of Scientists at the University of Minnesota

Leslie M. Delserone  (download presentation)
View Presentation Video (WMV format 121 MB - CIC Institution viewing only)
Agriculture Librarian, Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Minnesota Libraries

Custom Support for Computational Sciences

Bill Mischo  (download presentation)
View Mischo Presentation (WMV format 110 MB)
Head, Grainger Engineering Library Information Center, Professor of Library Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Semantic eScience in the Bibliographic Cloud: Connecting the Data with the Literature

Jacob Glenn  (download presentation)
Science Librarian, University of Michigan

12:15-1:30 Lunch (Memorial Mall)
1:30 – 3:00 What Can librarians in CIC do?

Previous panel will moderate 4 breakout sessions and CIC Program Planning Committee will record and report back

Breakout sessions report

3:00 - 4:00 Closing Session